Saturday, November 13, 2010

Healthier Eating Will Hurt Developing Economies

From "Eat a carrot, hurt the economy? Sometimes" by Maria Cheng, AP Medical Writer, November 10, 2010:
British researchers modeled what could happen if people in Britain and Brazil adopted healthier diets as defined by the World Health Organization, including more fruits and vegetables and less meat and dairy products.

In Britain, experts estimated that fixing the country's bad eating habits might prevent nearly 70,000 people from prematurely dying of diet-related health problems like heart disease and cancer. It would also theoretically save the health system 20 billion pounds ($32 billion) every year.

In Brazil, however, the rates of illnesses linked to a poor diet are not as high as in the U.K. So Brazilians would get relatively few health benefits while their economy might lose millions.
Read the complete AP article here.

The news article is based on a paper published in the Lancet, Volume 376, Issue 9753, Pages 1699 - 1709, 13 November 2010, Published Online 11 November 2010, "Health, agricultural, and economic effects of adoption of healthy diet recommendations" by Karen Lock PhD, Prof Richard D Smith PhD, Alan D Dangour PhD, Marcus Keogh-Brown PhD, Gessuir Pigatto PhD, Corinna Hawkes PhD, Regina Mara Fisberg PhD, Zaid Chalabi PhD.

The full text of the Lancet paper is available free with registration for a username at the Lancet website.

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